
Released Equipment Seats Ticket Sales (First Come, First Served) for the "ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND" April 6 (Sat) and 7 (Sun) Saitama Concerts Confirmed!

Released equipment seats ticket sales (first come, first served) for the "ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND" April 6 (Sat) and 7 (Sun) Saitama concerts have been confirmed.

ticket board Ticket Sales (First Come, First Served)
[Sales Period]
March 28, 2024 (Thu) 12:00pm 〜 1 hour after the start of the respective concerts (JST)

※As tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, ticket sales may end earlier than scheduled, once tickets have sold out.

For more information, please refer to the "ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND" special website.
"ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND" Special Website