
tetsuya Fair to be Held

To commemorate the holding of the ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND, a tetsuya Fair will be held at the ESP and BIGBOSS stores listed below.

There will also be an exhibition of equipment used by tetsuya himself and the sale of ESP merchandise exclusive to the fair venues so please do drop by.

ESP Museum
February 3 (Sat) 〜 February 12 (Mon/Public Holiday)
March 5 (Tue) 〜 March 17 (Sun)
April 5 (Fri) 〜 April 28 (Sun)

ESP Osaka Custom Shop
February 23 (Fri/Public Holiday) 〜 March 3 (Sun)

BIGBOSS Fukuoka Store
March 15 (Fri) 〜 March 24 (Sun)

BIGBOSS Nagoya Store
March 22 (Fri) 〜 March 31 (Sun)

TETSUYA Official Website